2Films 2Curious
Where we watch two movies and the two of us are curious
2 years ago

Treasure Planet and Kumiko the Treasure Hunter

a 2Films 3Curious special featuring Co-Tagonist Chris where we talk about treasures lost and found

Treasure Planet and Kumiko the Treasure Hunter

a 2Films 3Curious special featuring Co-Tagonist Chris where we talk about treasures lost and found

is treasure untold riches? is it maturity? is it the friends we met along the way? is it freedom? WHO'S TO SAY? wait one more - is it one man's trash?

Treasure Planet is an animated movie that's treasure island but in space with david hyde pierce and martin short. Kumiko the Treasure Hunter is a movie where a woman tries to find the money from the movie Fargo and she.......succeeds?

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