2Films 2Curious
Where we watch two movies and the two of us are curious
3 years ago

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Thor Ragnarok

A discussion on major tonal shifts in an established series

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Thor Ragnarok

A discussion about major tonal shifts in established serieses.

You know how it goes: sometimes you watch the first movie in a series and then you watch the second one and you think "was that even in the same galaxy as the original??" Usually it's pretty jarring, but usually it's also the second movie in a series. It's pretty uncommon to see huge tonal shifts in the third movie of a series.

Harry Potter 3 is a movie that threw out the bright shiny Harry Potter in 1 and 2 (along with the castle and Richard Harris) for a much darker Harry Potter (and much darker castle and Michael Gambon). Thor 3 (often written as 3or by only me and really only in the last week or so) takes Kenneth Branaughhes Shakespearean Thor and detonates a Taika Waititi glitter bomb right in the core.

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