2Films 2Curious
Where we watch two movies and the two of us are curious
3 years ago

SPECIAL FEATURE: 2Avengers: the 2Films of 2Curious

Bill and TDOG talk about superhero movies, DCEU vs MCU, and Avengers: Age of Ultron on Whaddya do, MCU?

SPECIAL FEATURE: 2Avengers: the 2Films of 2Curious

AUDIO WARNING: one half of 2Films 2Curious switched mics about 6 minutes deep. Sorry for the inconvenience (or, rather; you're welcome for sticking to our roots and continuing to be a grassroots operation?).

Bill and TDOG talk about superhero movies, DCEU vs MCU, and Avengers: Age of Ultron on Whaddya do, MCU?

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